Transform 2024: 12 Killer B2B Marketing Strategies

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Mayur Bhatasana
Mayur Bhatasana
Co-Founder & CEO of Jeenam Infotech LLP.

In the ever-evolving world of B2B marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. As we roll into 2024, it is time to raise your game with new strategies and tactics that will blow your competition out of the water. In this detailed piece, we're going to cover twelve killer B2B marketing strategies to transform your business in 2024.

1. Create an "Intent Funnel" for Your SEO Keywords

Content marketing is an efficient B2B channel to capture audience attention, establish thought leadership, and drive deeper engagement. Indeed, 91% of B2B businesses are already regularly using content marketing to reach their target audience.

Use the right keywords if you really want to get the most from your content marketing. Rather than looking at how people are searching for your keywords at the very top or far left of the buying journey, you should be creating what's called an "intent funnel" to catch clients at all levels of intent. Here's what that strategy might look like:

  • Top of the funnel: Informational keywords, such as "How to use a social media marketing platform," help customers research and learn.
  • Middle of the funnel: Terms like "The top 10 social marketing tools" will help customers make a better decision on which products to use.
  • Bottom of the funnel: Keywords like "Buy social media tools" focus on engaged customer conversion.

Design an intent funnel, and your content will effectively flow people through the purchase process.

2. Go Human: Personalize Your B2B Marketing with ABM

Account-Based Marketing is a strategic approach whereby sales and marketing activities are orchestrated to target explicit accounts. ABM is a strategy for treating a smaller number of high-value accounts in a very human-like manner.

The following process is used to run ABM successfully:

  • Identify your target accounts: Identify accounts most likely to turn into customers using data and research.
  • Create personalized campaigns: Come up with content, messaging, and offers dedicated to each of the target accounts.
  • Engage across multiple channels: Reach your target accounts through a number of channels, including email, social, and direct mail.
  • Measure and optimize: Track the performance of ABM campaigns and further optimize them.

With a focus on fewer highly valued accounts and highly personalized campaigns, ABM can help you generate more leads, grow your conversions, and build stronger relationships with your customers.

3. Engage Your Audience with Video Marketing

Video marketing is an ultimate way to engage your B2B audience. According to statistics, just by adding a video to your website, you can increase visitors' time spent on your site by 2.6 times. Besides, video marketing may attract up to 3 times more inbound links to your website.

And here are some extra tips to help you come up with effective video marketing campaigns:

  • Keep it short and sweet: The attention span for most viewers is quite low, so try keeping all videos under 2 minutes.
  • Focus on value: Put together videos that will give value to your audience, like tutorials, product demos, or thought leadership content. If you are promoting services like those of an event photographer, showcasing behind-the-scenes footage or client testimonials can be highly effective.
  • Use a consistent style: One needs to come up with a video style that is constant and matches the brand identity.
  • Optimize for search: Add appropriate keywords to your video title, description, and tags so that the videos at the moment of searching show up top.

Of course, by infusing video marketing into your holistic B2B marketing strategy, you will engage, raise brand awareness, and drive more traffic to your site.

4. Get Ready for Interactive Content—It's Here to Make You Stand Out

You will most definitely engage your B2B audience and set the business apart from others by making it interactive. Similarly, during events, a mobile event app can further enhance this engagement by providing real-time interactive experiences. With quizzes, surveys, and other engaging experiences, you can easily capture the attention of your audience to take action on your brand.

Here are some ideas for interactive content, including:

  • Product recommendation quizzes: Based on a question or two about the kind of product they are looking for, you can tell them which one is best suited for their needs.
  • Interactive calculators: The customers can input their information and receive results that are most applicable to them.
  • Polls and surveys:The surveys and polls give you information about an audience and even their feelings towards some things that turn out to be useful in your marketing strategies.

If you create some interactive content, you will enhance the level of engagement and capture the precious data of your audience, which would help you stand out among your immediate competitors.

5. Invest in Social Media Marketing for better brand awareness.

Social media is one of the most influential ways to increase brand awareness and further engagement with your B2B target market. Sharing relevant content helps in developing a robust social media presence and gaining new leads. This allows you to foster closer relationships with customers.

Particularly, consider the following points to get the best return on investment from your social media marketing:

  • Choose the right platforms: The most relevant social media platforms should be targeted, as per the audience. For instance, if you're targeting the Japanese market, understanding their preferred platforms is crucial.
  • Build a content calendar: Consistency in the stream of content can only be assured by advanced planning of what to post on social media platforms.
  • Engage with your audience: Comments and messages received are responded to by the brand, and it involves itself in pertinent conversations as a means to identify itself with the followers.
  • Run paid ads: Think about running social media ads in order to reach more audiences and drive more traffic to your website.

Through social media marketing, you'll be able to enable your brand to realize awareness, obtain engagement, and facilitate more leads into your business.

6. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

Since your website is basically the root of your B2B marketing strategy, you want to make sure it's optimized for conversions. Development of a friendly-looking website that gives value to people should be able to help you generate leads and close deals. Here are some tips on how to optimize your website for conversions:

  • Offer a very clear value proposition—in other words, make it plain what your business offers and why customers should select you over the competition.
  • Use compelling calls-to-action: Make sure there is some kind of call to action on the page to get the visitor to request a quote, sign up for your newsletter, or any other action you would want them to do.
  • Optimize for mobile: Make sure it is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate on small devices.
  • Improve page speed: Fast page load times keep visitors interested in pages and lower bounce rates.

A website optimized for conversion will increase the likelihood of leads, sales, and stronger online presence for a B2B business.You can use an AI SEO tool like GetGenie that utilizes NLP to suggest relevant keywords, maximizing your ranking chances in the SERP.

7. Run Email Marketing and Automation

One of the great ways of lead nurturing while customers are being engaged with and sales pushed is email marketing. Automation in email marketing can back targeted email campaigns, be time- and resource-saving, but deliver highly personalized content to your audience.

Follow these tips to ensure that you successfully execute email marketing and its automation:

  • Segment your email list: Identify locations, industries, or any other areas within the buying cycle and divide the email list accordingly. This will assure relevant content for each recipient.
  • Build a content calendar: Schedule email campaigns in advance to ensure that you have a consistent cadence of emails.
  • Use automation: Automate email marketing efforts to save time while effectively delivering personalized content at scale.
  • Track and Optimize: Monitor the performance of email campaigns and optimize them from time to time for better results.

By implementing email marketing and automation, you can nurture leads, engage with customers, and drive more sales for your B2B business.

8. Paid Advertising inorder to Reach New Audiences

Paid ads can help drive traffic to your website and let you communicate with new visitors· This might be done using demographics, interests, and behaviors targeting with the help of Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, or Facebook Ads·

The following can help you do paid advertising to the best of your ability:

  • Delineate your ideal customer: Use data and research to determine the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your ideal customers·
  • Compose riveting ad copy and visuals: Devise ad copy and visuals that drive engagement and clearly communicate a distinct value proposition·
  • Retarget: Run retargeting on site visitors that already engaged with your website to ensure that they keep it top of mind·
  • Track and Optimize: Stay on top of performance, make adjustments to your ad campaigns that enable more of your desired results·

Paid advertising can help you reach new audiences, drive more traffic to your website, and generate leads for your B2B business·

9· Develop a Thought Leadership Strategy

Thought leadership is one of the most effective ways to position your brand as an industry authority while engendering trust in your target audience· You want to come up with high-quality content that holds great insight and answers to pain points for the audience; then, you become a trusted advisor and drive more leads to your business·

Consider these tips to help you in developing a thought leadership strategy:

  • Identify areas of expertise: Things on which you are knowledgeable and relevant to your target audience·
  • Build a content plan: It contains, but is not limited to, multiple formats such as blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and podcasts·
  • Promote your content: Share through multiple channels such as social media, e-mail, or industry publications·
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, direct messages, and discussions on relevant topics to help build relationships with your audience·
  • Collaborate with Other Experts: Partner with other leaders in your field to expand your reach. Guest posts, interviews, and webinars with other experts can provide valuable cross-promotion and broaden your audience.
  • Leverage Multiple Platforms: Utilize various platforms like LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, podcasts, and webinars to share your insights. Diversifying your channels helps you reach a wider audience and establishes your presence across the industry.

By implementing a strategy for thought leadership, you can really help to establish your brand as an expert in the industry, gaining the trust of your audience and generating additional leads for your business·

10· Partner with Influencers to Reach New Audiences

Influencer marketing is one such channel that allows effective reach to new audiences and engenders trust with target customers· Partnering with industry influencers who have large, faithful followings and strong reputations, one is able to tap into this audience and leverage their credibility· Here are some tips which will help in implementing the influencer marketing campaign effectively:

  • Identify relevant influencers: Find out the influencers with maximum following across the target industry who resonate with brand values and messaging·
  • Build a partnership plan: Determine what type of partnership is required, whether sponsored content, product placement, or shoutouts in social media·
  • Create compelling content: Partner with the influencer and develop authentic, compelling, on-message content·
  • Track and measure: Track performance for your influencer marketing campaigns, then measure their impact on your business goals·

Influencer marketing can help provide new audiences, nurture trust with target customers, and drive more leads directly into business·

11· Implement Chatbots and Conversational Marketing

Chatbots and conversational marketing are going to become as important in the B2B space as in B2C· You can give highly personalized support to website users, answer their questions, and guide them through the sales process by engaging with them in real time through chatbots·

Here are a few additional strategies that are important when setting up the chatbots and conversational marketing:

  • Define a purpose for your chatbot: Determine exactly what your chatbot is going to be used for—lead generation, customer support, sales enablement·
  • Build a conversational flow: Devise an easy, informative conversation flow that is on-brand, guided by your brand voice and messaging·
  • Sync with your CRM: Integrate the chatbot with your customer relationship management system for collecting the details of the lead and conducting follow-up sales·
  • Track and optimize: Keep continuous tracking of chatbot performance, and change it according to the requirement to experience good user experience and conversion rate·

Implement chatbots to give a more human touch to customer support for website visitors, capture more leads, and improve the user experience on the website overall·

12· Measure and Optimize Your B2B Marketing Strategy

Finally, track and optimize your B2B marketing strategy to make sure that you are hitting the set business goals· A focus on key metrics and using them in order to drive decisions might help in refinement and improvement in the strategy implemented over time·

Some of the tips through which you can measure and optimize your B2B marketing strategy are as follows:

  • Define your key metrics: Identify the key metrics that help drive your business goals, be it website traffic, lead generation, sales revenue, or customer retention·
  • Analytics tools: Tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, or Marketo allow tracing marketing performance down to minute details about the audience's behavior·
  • Test and experiment: Test via A/B testing and experimentation what kind of marketing tactics and strategies ensure better results for your business·
  • Make data-driven decisions: Using the deductions obtained from your analytics, make informed decisions regarding where to put efforts and resources·

By measuring and optimizing your B2B marketing strategy, you will have complete assurance that your efforts are directly correlated with business objectives and drive actual results for the company·


With 2024 fast approaching, there is certainly no denying that B2B marketing is changing at breakneck speed. By working through these 12 killer strategies, you will be able to transform your business and stay ahead of the curve regarding the new year.

From developing an "intent funnel" for your SEO keywords to chatbots and conversational marketing, engage your audience, drive more leads, and realize your business goals.

Remember, B2B marketing doesn't allow for one-size-fits-all. It demands insight into your audience and dedication to testing, experimentation, and an ability to move with changing times.

This thus keeps you agile, focused on value creation for your customers, and right in the heart of this ever-changing world of B2B marketing.

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