How to Get Verified on Instagram

Reading time7 minutes
Jaqueline Corradi
Jaqueline Corradi
Content Manager

Have you ever wondered how to get verified on Instagram? The badge on the profile that proves your account is authentic, is a valuable asset when it comes to digital creators, brands, and public personalities. 

It gives credibility and helps Instagram users to be certain that they are accessing the right profile they are looking for. It helps to prevent fake accounts that pretend to be someone else or a brand, which can be very dangerous to your reputation since it's using your company or personal name without authorization. 

Instagram analyzes which accounts should be verified, and follow some parameters. Check out the article to know more about it, and how you can request to get verified. 

What Is Instagram Verification?

The Instagram verification badge was created with the purpose to authenticate accounts of public people, such as celebrities, politicians, and digital creators, and also brand profiles. Probably, you have already seen the blue circle with a checkmark on the right side of a profile name, this means Instagram verified the account. 

For instance, if you want to follow Viola Davis's Instagram profile, how can you know it's actually her or an impostor? The verification badge solves this problem. It helps not only famous people but also companies not to have unauthorized profiles passing by them, and deceiving customers. 

Viola Davis Instagram profile

The verification badge has become coveted by many since it conveys authority, credibility, and status. Many users see it as a symbol that the profile is relevant, and may give more attention to it, which can help with engagement rates, and conquering more followers. 

It's important to observe, though, that, according to Instagram, verified accounts don't have special treatment when it comes to delivering their content. 

Who Can Get Verified on Instagram?

According to Instagram, public figures, celebrities or brands that meet the requirements determined by the platform are the only ones eligible to get the verification badge. Instagram points out that your account needs to be:

  • Authentic: represent a real person, registered business, or entity.
  • Unique: the unique account used by a person or brand, there can't be two accounts verified from the same person/ organization. 
  • Complete: the account must be public, and have all the information completed, including profile picture and bio.
  • Notable: your account needs to be highly searched. 

How to Request to Get Verified on Instagram

The most important step on how to get verified on Instagram, once you meet the criteria, is making your request for the badge. To do that, follow these steps: 

1 - Enter your Instagram account, and go to "settings";

Instagram menu page

2 - Click on "account";

Instagram settings page

3 - Select "request verification";

Instagram account settings page

4 - Complete the information required, and follow the instructions;

Instagram request verification page

5 - Instagram will evaluate your request and send you an answer in up to 30 days. 

Don't make more than one application before you receive an answer from Instagram, this will cancel your request. If you get denied the verification badge, though, you can try again after. 

Tips on How to Get Verified on Instagram

Some strategies can help you when it comes to how to get verified on Instagram. The platform is strict with its criteria and evaluates carefully which accounts will get the verification badge. 

Don't Try to Buy a Verification Badge

Instagram doesn't charge for the verification badge. If anyone offers you to buy their verified account or third-party apps send you messages selling the badge, the best advice is don't go for it. 

Instead of helping you, this kind of practice makes you look bad to the platform, and you run the risk of suffering shadowban. Some companies may sound very convincing when offering the verification badge, but remember, the only way to get it is through the Instagram process. 

Check Out for Fake Accounts

One of the main goals of having a verified account is to prevent impostor accounts from pretending to be someone else or a brand. Search on Instagram if fake accounts are trying to pass as your company or yourself. 

If this is happening, monitor the accounts and make a report to send to Instagram. That's a strong reason to show Instagram why it's important for you to have the verification badge. Impostors using your name or your brand is a dangerous thing as they could create scams and deceive people. That's something that Instagram wants to help to avoid as well.  

Develop Strategies to Get More Followers

There isn't a specific minimum number of followers that makes you eligible to get verified on Instagram. But, it does matter to have a high quantity of them as this is a sign of your account relevancy. It shows many people are interested in your profile.

Therefore, it's important to create actions that encourage people to follow you on Instagram. For example, by creating engaging posts, inserting your Instagram link on your other social media profiles, and mentioning it in your newsletter and blog articles. 

Buying followers may seem tempting since the numbers grow much faster, but it isn't worth it. The numbers won't represent an increase in engagement, and you won't have real results that can help your brand grow, such as conquering more leads, for instance. 

Besides, when it comes to how to get verified on Instagram this can be a big problem. Buying followers breaks Instagram guidelines, and the platform watches out for accounts that are doing it. Instead of getting a verification badge, you can lose your account. 

Complete Your Profile

To request a verification badge on Instagram your profile must be completed, which means it needs to have a profile picture, a bio, and posts on the feed. But, don't put anything just to have it all fulfilled, write an interesting bio that summarizes who you or your brand are and show your value. Choose a profile picture that is aligned with your visual identity.

That will help you not only to get the verification badge but also with your target audience. When people access your profile, they will see a well-developed page, and this is much more attractive. It instigates the users to look at your feed, explore the posts, and engage. 

Publish High-Quality Content Regularly

When you request to get verified on Instagram, they will analyze if you are active on it, posting regularly, and your engagement levels. Make a schedule to publish stories and feed posts on Instagram every day if it's possible. 

But, keep in mind that the content needs to be high quality. That isn't only about how to get verified on Instagram but also about the brand image you want to build, and developing a relationship with your customers.

Ask yourself what your content can offer to your target audience. How can you catch their attention and deliver valuable information to them? This will help you to create your posts, and the better they are the higher the chances to increase the engagement rates, the number of followers, and appear on the main results of research related to your content. 

Get Publicity

Is your name or brand highly searched on Google, are mentioned on several websites and other publications? One of the factors Instagram considers when giving the verified badge is if you are notable.

Investing in PR may be good for you. Send press releases when your company has interesting news, if you are participating in an event, for example, giving a lecture. You need to be known by the public. But the press has to be organic, paid ads don't count. 

How to Remain Verified on Instagram

Once you have learned how to get verified on Instagram and conquered the coveted badge, is the work finished? No. You need to be careful not to lose the verification. 

Enjoy Your Verification Badge

As you can see the process on how to get verified on Instagram isn't simple. When you get the badge, enjoy it by continuously creating marketing strategies to develop engaging content. This social media platform can help you build brand awareness, straighten your relationship with your customers, and become an authority in your sector.  Use it for your growth.

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