Why Email Marketing is Important: How It Can Benefit Your Business

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Jaqueline Corradi
Jaqueline Corradi
Content Manager

Have you ever wondered why email marketing is important? Companies from different industries and sizes promote campaigns via email messages, and there is a reason for that, it works. If you are looking for effective ways to promote a brand without spending much, email marketing offers amazing possibilities. 

You can talk directly to your target audience, and create personalized messages that will catch their attention. With more than 4 billion email users worldwide, the chances to reach your customers are high. Check out the full article to discover more. 

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a subfield of marketing. As the name suggests, its main means of communication to reach the audiences is email. The objective of an email marketing campaign can be to encourage customers to make a purchase, invite them to make a download, drive traffic to your company website, and much more. 

With the objective in mind, a sequence of emails is planned to be sent periodically. The emails can contain, besides the text, images, videos, and links, and you can design a specific layout for each message

You can guide your customers through their consumer journey to buy your products and have a long-lasting relationship with your brand. It's possible to create email marketing campaigns for every buyer stage and implement strategies considering that.

Types of Email Marketing Messages

The type of email marketing campaign you will develop depends on what your main goal is. It's important to know the options you have to understand the type of campaign that suits each situation better.

1. Newsletter

A newsletter is an email sent periodically with news about a specific theme. For example, imagine you have an online store that sells baby clothes, you can create a newsletter focused on how to take care of a newborn baby. 

People who subscribe to your newsletter will receive it in their email at the time you have defined it. You can write articles about the vaccines a baby needs to take, how to help a baby sleep well and several other topics related to the subject. If the reader doesn't want to receive the newsletter anymore, they can easily unsubscribe. 

2. Welcome Message

When a person subscribes to your newsletter, it's important to send a welcome email where you thank them for signing up, and also confirm the subscription. It's the email that marks the beginning of this relationship, where you should show appreciation to your customer. 

3. Special Events Celebrations

Another common type of email marketing is the ones sent on holidays and celebrations like birthdays. The purpose is to congratulate the reader and send good wishes. Birthday messages show you pay attention to your customer and highlight their importance to you. 

Messages on dates like Christmas, and Thanksgiving are important too as a way to cultivate a relationship with the brand. 

4. Abandoned Cart Emails

Do you know when someone puts several items in the cart of an online store but leaves the website without buying anything? The abandoned cart email is directed to them and has the purpose of convincing the customer to finalize the purchase. You may even add a coupon discount to encourage them. 

5. Offers and Discounts

Email marketing is often used to promote offers and discounts. You can show the products on sale and insert a link that the reader just needs to click on to go to the online store and enjoy the special price. Some companies even create exclusive offers for newsletter subscribers as a strategy to show the advantages of keeping up with the emails. 

9 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Important

When the subject is why email marketing is important, there are several benefits it offers that prove why this area is pertinent to promoting brands from different sectors. 

1. Engage With Your Audience

One of the main reasons why email marketing is important is the potential to engage with your audience.  With more than 4 billion active email users around the world, you can speak directly with your leads and customers. 

You can develop personalized campaigns that address your target audience's main demands, show how your products and services will help them, and create a strong relationship with them. You may encourage your audience to answer your emails, send surveys to know their opinion, and improve according to their feedback. 

2. Reach Customers in Real Time

Interacting with your customers in real-time is a great asset to enjoy specific opportunities, like creating a special discount for a holiday or a special event. 

Imagine everyone is talking about the latest Marvel movie, and you want to make a campaign using this theme. Timing is essential to have a good performance, and with email, you can send a message on the day of the movie premiere, for instance.

3. Nurture Customer Loyalty

Convincing a customer to buy a product for the first time is only the beginning, it's necessary to come up with strategies that will encourage this person to buy again at your store. That's one more reason why email marketing is important, you can use it to show it's worth becoming a loyal customer

A newsletter is a way to prevent your brand from being forgotten. Writing persuasive emails and offering good advantages will certainly encourage customers to revisit your physical or online store, and make other purchases. Use the emails to show your appreciation for the customers too.

4. Easy to Measure KPIs

Emails are easy to keep track of, you can easily know the number of emails that got to the recipients' inboxes, how many people opened the email, how many purchases were made through the links you inserted in the message, and many other important key performance indicators (KPIs). 

A paid ad in a newspaper or a TV commercial doesn't have this advantage, for instance. Being able to measure the KPIs allows you to quickly understand if you need to change your marketing strategies, even while an email marketing campaign is happening. You can also make A/B tests to know the type of email that is more effective.  

5. Increase Visibility

With email marketing campaigns, your brand may conquer more visibility. It's possible to create emails that highlight the brand's values and show what makes your business stand out from the competition. 

6. Generate Traffic to Your Website

Another reason why email marketing is important is you can create campaigns to increase the number of access to your website. You can write compelling CTAs (calls to action) inviting people to visit the home page or drive traffic to articles and product pages too. 

7. Target Different Groups

You can create different email marketing campaigns according to each segment of your audience. This way you increase the chances of success as you will write personalized messages that address pertinent topics for each segment. 

8. Know Your Audience Better

Email marketing campaigns also enable you to know your target audience more deeply by the feedback they will send you as they receive the emails. With the metrics of each email, you can identify the type of content they like better, for example. Another advantage is sending surveys through emails, and encouraging your customers to give their opinion. 

9. Improve Sales

As a consequence of engaging with your audience and nurturing your relationship with them, it's very likely to see a growth in the number of sales and profit.  Besides, you can send emails specifically to promote products and boost sales.

14 Best Email Marketing Platforms

1. Brevo

Follow your leads and convert more with Brevo

With Brevo, you can build your email list with landing pages, add sign-up forms on websites, and enjoy other marketing tools the platform offers. It allows you to design your email with pre-built templates, and customize the visual identity the way it suits you best, which is also important to compel the reader to read your message. 

You also can create segment email address lists to set up who must receive a specific email. It's possible to target contacts based on their interests and behavior. Then. use Brevo analytics tools to track how each email performs. 

Highlighted features:

  • High deliverability level
  • Pre-built email templates
  • Email segmentation
  • Drag-and-drop editor
  • Automate sending emails
  • Track email performance

2. E-goi

E-Goi home page

With an easy-to-use editor, E-goi allows you to create newsletters that are aligned with your brand's visual identity. You can add texts, columns, images, and videos, for example. The templates are mobile-friendly, and you are going to find unique options to send on special occasions, such as birthday celebrations or sales. 

You are going to count on advanced features to personalize the email marketing campaigns, by segmenting your email list. Also, the platform prevents your messages from going directly to the spam folder, by giving you analytical features. 

You can create an automatic sequence of emails, make automatic A/B testing, and send transactional emails such as account registration, order status, and abandoned cart recovery. It also sends you regular data reports. 

Highlighted features:

  • Free newsletter templates
  • A simple, professional editor
  • Avoid your emails going to the spam folder
  • Create automated email sequences
  • Automate A/B testing
  • Send campaign reports

3. GetResponse

GetResponse home page

With just a few clicks, you can build an amazing newsletter with GetResponse drag-and-drop email creator. You can select among several layouts, customize everything and have a preview version of how the message is going to appear on mobile devices. It's possible to add gifs and images too. 

To improve your subscribers' experience, the platform offers the option to segment your audience and use dynamic content. If you already have an email list, you can import it from almost 20 sources.

GetResponse also has tools that make it easier to comply with GDPR, you can insert multiple consent fields, and send targeted emails based on them. Besides, user behavior is easily traceable through the platform, helping you to continuously improve your strategies. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Drag-and-drop email creator
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Build custom segment
  • Perfect timing tool
  • Track user behavior
  • Receive automated, customized reports

4. Mailify

Mailify page

Do you need to create a mass email campaign? Mailify allows you to do that through its bulk mailer tool. This software also enables you to import as many contacts as you need, and it automatically takes care of bounces, opt-out, and complaints. 

The Mailify email builder makes it easy to create customized emails, with text, images, and your brand's logo. Insert everything you need, and check the preview version before sending. The platform ensures, as well, a high level of deliverability, with automatic address cleaning, an integrated anti-spam program, and time optimization. 

Access valuable data by integrating Google Analytics with Mailify, and track your email campaigns. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Bulk mailer tool
  • Import as many contacts as you want
  • High level of deliverability
  • Automatic address cleaning
  • Anti-spam program
  • Integrate with Google Analytics

5. MailerLite

MailerLite page

At the MailerLite email marketing platform, you can define the type of editor you prefer to use to develop your email: drag-and-drop, rich text, or custom HTML. You will count on pre-designed templates as well. 

The platform includes tools to do A/B testing, segment your contact list, and create surveys. It has email automation resources and can be integrated with several other web services, such as WordPress, Facebook, and PayPal. 

Highlighted features:

  • Use the type of editor you prefer
  • Pre-designed templates
  • Ease manage emails
  • Segment subscribers automatically
  • A/B testing
  • 24/7 support

6. Moosend

Moosend home page

Moosend provides an easy-to-use editor where you don't need coding skills to develop your email. You can add images, videos, gifs, and other interactive elements to make your content even more incredible, and appealing. 

You also can create personalized email marketing campaigns, by segmenting your audience, inserting the contact's name at the top, and using your leads and customers’ data to show content according to their profile. 

In each campaign, it’s possible, as well, to set the email to show the most relevant products to each contact. You can do A/B testing, and build more precise strategies by analyzing the reports provided on the platform too. 

Highlighted features:

  • Customizable templates
  • Personalized emails
  • Audience segmentation
  • Analytics reports
  • A/B testing

7. AWeber

AWeber home page

To start creating your email marketing campaign, on AWeber you are going to find a library with pre-built templates ready to be customized. After building your messages, you can schedule them, and segment your audience to send personalized emails.

Aweber assures high deliverability because they follow your email path from the beginning to each contact, preventing your messages from going to the spam folder. They offer advanced reports, so you can keep improving your content, and make the necessary adjustments. 

Besides, you can use a free plan, adding no costs to your budget. And, if needed, expand to a paid plan in the future. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Pre-built templates
  • Automate email marketing campaigns
  • Segment your subscribers
  • High email deliverability rate
  • Automatically send recent blog posts
  • Advanced analytics reports

8. EmailOctopus

EmailOctopus home page

EmailOctopus allows you to build your own template or use a pre-designed one, personalize the content,  import your list of existing subscribers to the platform, and segment it.

When someone joins your list, you can set a sequence of automated emails, starting with a warm welcome. If you have any doubts, you can count on Email Octopus team support. Also, they follow GDPR compliance and provide important data about your email marketing campaigns’ performance. 

Highlighted features:

  • Customizable templates
  • Set campaigns on autopilot
  • Segment your subscribers
  • Keep track of your email marketing campaigns rates
  • Connect with your favorite apps
  • GDPR Compliance

9. Zoho Campaigns

Zoho Campaigns page

To build incredible email marketing strategies at Zoho Campaigns, you can start by customizing everything at your email's message such as the text, images, gifs, and videos. It's possible to add surveys, buttons, and other features that better suit your needs. 

All of this is easily built by using Zoho editor, which provides different types of free email templates. Before pressing send, you can review all the details in the preview version. To send the emails, enjoy the automated features, segment your audience, use the send-time optimization and track each contact path. 

Highlighted features:

  • Dynamic personalization
  • A/B testing
  • Segment your audience
  • Contact path tracing
  • Autoresponders
  • Send-time optimization

10. Benchmark

Benchmark home page

Benchmark is an email marketing platform prepared to offer solutions according to each brand's need, whether you are an HTML expert or someone who has no experience in this area. You can choose how you prefer to customize your email, using the drag-and-drop builder, HTML Editor, and also use RSS Emails. 

Besides, you are going to find pre-built templates to guide you with the layout. Do you want to know what functions best for your audience? Benchmark offers many A/B testing options. You will count as well with Litmus, a tool that enables you to check how your email is going to appear on different devices, and email platforms. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Diverse options to build emails
  • A/B testing
  • Inbox checker with Litmus
  • Automate email series
  • Import contacts
  • Segment lists
  • 24/7 support
  • Data reports

11. Mailchimp

Mailchimp home page

To engage your audience through your email marketing campaign, creating a layout that calls their attention is essential. Mailchimp provides a variety of email templates to be customized but also allows you to create your own by coding.

The platform offers the tool Subject Line Helper that will give you feedback to write more compelling subject lines. In the Customer Journey Builder, it's possible to automate email series, according to each customer's behavior and interactions. 

You will receive regular reports about your email marketing campaign performance, including click maps to know where people most clicked on your message. 

Highlighted features:

  • Pre-built email templates
  • Subject Line Helper
  • Customer Journey Builder 
  • A/B testing
  • Segment your audience
  • Regular email campaign reports

12.  HubSpot

HubSpot email marketing page

Choosing from goal-based email templates will help you to take the first step towards creating an email marketing campaign using HubSpot. All the designs are mobile-friendly and you can use the drag-and-drop editor to customize the emails. 

You can segment your audience by several categories, such as the buyer's journey stages. It's also possible to add smart rules to your content, developing different versions of the same email, which will enable an even more personalized experience for your leads and customers. 

To optimize your email campaigns, you can create A/B tests, and analyze several types of data. HubSpot uses its CRM platform to manage the email marketing software too, which makes the campaigns even more effective because they use the customers' data from your website. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Goal-based email templates
  • Drag-and-drop editor
  • Personalized emails
  • Segment your audience
  • A/B testing
  • CRM platform

13. Constant Contact

Constant Contact email marketing page

Constant Contact provides an easy-to-use interface that allows you to create incredible layouts for your email marketing campaigns. They also have several automation tools, so you can trigger email series, resend emails to non-openers, and segment your lists.

You can upload your contact list from different platforms, track your results in real-time, and personalize the segmented lists by basing them on the content the users click on your email and website. 

Highlighted features:

  • Drag-and-drop editor
  • Email marketing automation
  • Contact segmentation
  • Re-send emails to non-openers
  • Upload your contact lists
  • Track results in real-time

14. ConvertKit

ConvertKit home page

Focus your time on developing engaging, well-written text, and not worrying about learning design skills to create your email marketing template: that's one of the ConvertKit advantages, an intuitive platform that will save you time. 

With a 98% delivery rate, its system can help you make sure your emails are getting to your subscribers. You can also automate email series, according to your segmented lists, and add tags based on your subscribers’ actions. Besides, the regular email campaign reports and A/B testing allow you to continuously improve. 

Highlighted features:

  • Email templates
  • 98% delivery rate
  • Automation tools
  • Create customizable segments
  • Stats on every email
  • A/B testing

Start Creating Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Now that you understand why email marketing is important and how it is a valuable asset to promote a business, it's time to test it. Define your goals and create email marketing campaigns according to them. Remember to always keep track of the KPIs, so you can adapt the emails to achieve the best results.

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