8 reasons why email marketing is important

Reading time12 minutes
Jaqueline Corradi
Jaqueline Corradi
Content Manager

Are you in doubt if sending emails to your clients is an effective strategy? There are many reasons why email marketing is a fundamental tool when we talk about using the resources the online world offers to create brand awareness, conquer new clients, and increase your revenue.

Email keeps being one of the most important communication channels online. According to Radicati Group researches,  it's estimated that 4.1 billion people are email users. If you are wondering if the emails you send will be opened or directly go to the trash, it depends on the quality of the content, how much you know your target audience and the timing.

The emails must have appealing titles, content that instigates the user to keep reading, which is able to answer their demands. To do this, it's essential to pay attention to the design, and what you are going to put in each message. 

Just take a moment to think about the brands you always feel compelled to open the email and read. What makes you take your time to do it? That can be the start to understand how email marketing can be very useful for your business. 

1. Stimulate engagement

The image sohws a computer screen on the middel and around it there are several icons representing wi-fi, images, video, messages, search, email,  andsettings

Email marketing is an opportunity to develop rich conversations with your prospects, and customers, if you know how to use this tool, and pay attention to their answers.

Through engagement, they may develop a long-lasting relationship with your brand, develop customer loyalty, and even recommend your company to others. 

But, how to do that? First, you can use social media, your website, and your blog to encourage people to subscribe to your newsletter. When they do that, prepare a series of welcome emails, presenting your brand and its vision. Storytelling can be a powerful way to write those emails, involving the readers. 

That's just the beginning, though, you can create emails focusing on each step of the buyer's journey, always thinking about offering the best user experience. Create strategic CTAs (Call to Action) for example, to read an article on your blog, fulfill a form, visit a product's page or finish a purchase. 

Set an automated email when buyers leave an abandoned cart at your online store, you may offer a discount for them to return, and explain more about the product’s advantages. When the purchase is concluded, prepare a thank you note, show your appreciation for your clients.

Keep in mind that you are working to create a relationship, where your clients feel seen and heard. They have signed to receive your emails, they want to receive them, as long as it’s worth reading and not a waste of time. 

2. Create personalized experiences

According to Dynamic Yield research, 71% of consumers affirmed that having a personalized experience makes them feel more prompt to open and read brand emails. 

How to personalize the emails? Start with the basics, calling people by their first name or how they prefer to be called, as inserted in their subscription to your newsletter. This small detail enhance the chances of an email  being opened

Use your website, social media channels, and sales data to segment your customers. You can divide them into categories and make different lists, for example, by the type of products they like or the kind of content that has bigger opening rates, and select specifically what you are going to send to each group. 

One possibility is by tracking page views, detecting the ones people spend more time with, and creating emails related to it. When someone has visited a product page more than 3 times, probably they are interested in it, take that chance of conquering a sale by sending an email about the item. 

Also, segment your lists regarding the sales funnel stages. You are not going to send the same email to someone that has just met your brand and to another, who is on the decision stage to buy a product. 

Knowing who to send an email and what's the right time to do it can increase your chances of having success at your marketing strategies, and increase revenue. 

3. The opportunity to get to know and understand your audience

THe image show as scale of satisfactions, with 3 emojis, one with a sad face, the other one with a neutral face, and the last with a happy, there is an arrow pointing to happpy face.

In your email marketing, you can try new strategies and test which ones perform well according to your prospects, leads, and customer behavior, and even take these insights to other media platforms. 

For example, what is the click rate when you add emojis to the subject line? If it increases, then you know a validated strategy, if the rate goes down, it's something to avoid. Observe other aspects, such as, if they prefer email full of graphics and images or with more text. 

Programming to send emails at different hours of the day can help you discover the time most people open them, if it's in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night. Do they prefer to click through HTML addresses or on words? Test these options to be able to refine the content along the time, and send even more precise messages. 

Remember, testing includes errors, but identifying the contents and strategies that don't promote engagement is very useful to create a guideline for the following emails. 

4. Connect marketing channels

Your email marketing strategies must be aligned with the implemented actions in other channels, such as your website, and social media pages.

For example, you create a post on your Instagram inviting your followers to check the latest blog post, which has a call to action to subscribe to your newsletter, then you will send the welcoming email. 

It can go the other way around as well, sending an email with links to selected articles from your blog that your prospects will find interesting, and on the blog posts, there will be CTAs linking to your store.

That way you will empower each of your marketing channels, increasing the rates for success and selling more. 

5. Email marketing is affordable

One of the advantages of email marketing is its cost. You will pay less than cents per person, and the rate of conversion is very high. You could argue that social media is for free, for example, but the possibility of building a closer relationship with your client is among the main reasons why email marketing is important.

Besides, when someone gives you their email address and wants to receive your newsletter at their mailbox, this means a level of trust that you have already conquered. Probably the social media strategies helped you get there, email marketing can be one more step in the buyer’s journey for a very low cost. 

You are going to find many email marketing tools to make the strategy even more affordable, and effective. 

 6. Convert users into customers

Talking about the buyer's journey, email marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies to convert leads into customers. A Campaign Monitor research shows that the click-through-rate in an email campaign is around 3%, compared to Twitter, which is 0.5%, it's a good rate. You have 6x more chances to get a click-through.

Usually, when someone gives your email address they are at the middle towards the end of the sales funnel, different from social media, which can be very good to promote brand awareness. 

With segmented email marketing campaigns, you can increase the traffic to your website, leading people to your pages, which will improve your SEO, it also allows you to find qualified leads, and then close more sales. 

7. High Return on Investment (ROI)

The image shows a paper where there are many graphics, on the left side there is a laptop, and on the inferior right side of the image there is a hand holding a pen, above a notebook

The high rate of return on investment (ROI) certainly figures among the main reasons why email marketing is important and must be part of your marketing strategies. For each dollar spent, the average ROI is 3,800%, which means when you spent $1,00 you may gain $38. Impressive, isn’t it? 

Of course, the return on investment will depend on how well you use this tool, applying strategies such as we have talked about, segmenting your audience, analyzing their behavior, and understanding the type of email to send according to the buyer's journey. 

If you use the same campaign for people who are getting to know your brand, and for current customers, the chances of success may be lower. Don't forget to personalize the experience, this will help you to continually increase your return on investment. 

8. Easily measurable 

Open, bounce, click-through, unsubscribe, and delivery rates: when developing an email marketing campaign, you can have access to many valuable data about its effectiveness, as these. 

Having those reports in such a fast and simple way is amazing because you can measure the success of your strategies, define what needs to be changed to improve the next campaigns, and identify what you should keep doing.  

Before drawing new strategies, reserve some time to analyze the information you have on your hand, they say a lot about your customers' profile. Even if the emails didn't achieve the expected results, it's an opportunity to take lessons, and learn from mistakes. 

Sometimes, the graphics and the amount of data can seem scary, but it's just at the beginning. Soon, you will know how to interpret them, and see how they are useful. The next results will be better, as you align the content with what the reports reveal. 

5 Email marketing tools that will facilitate your marketing strategies

Now that you know more about why email marketing is important, what do you think of discovering platforms that allow you to automate your emails and provide many other resources? It will make your campaigns management easier, and faster. 

1. Brevo

Brevo logo

Sendinblue email marketing solution allows you to fully customize the message you are going to send, just choose from a template and edit with the drag and drop tool. Besides, you can personalize the experience by adding the person's name and create separate lists to send different emails. 

The platform has a machine learning system that helps you set the best time to send emails, and schedule them. The "Send at the Best Time" algorithm will analyze, anonymously, the behavior from previous campaigns and define the time where it's most likely that people will engage. 

Highlighted features:

  • Customizable templates
  • Personalize the content
  • Segment the contacts in groups
  • "Send at the best time" algorithm

2. E-goi

E-goi logo

E-goi provides several free templates for newsletters, which are easily edited to leave the email marketing with your brand's visual identity. All the designs are compatible with email readers, and mobile devices. 

The platform follows international email service regulations (ISP), which helps to avoid that your email goes directly to the spam folder. You also can automate emails, and receive full reports about their performance. Besides, having the possibility to integrate E-goi with many software and applications.

Highlighted features:

  • Free newsletter templates
  • Simple editor
  • Prevents the message from going to Spam directly
  • Automated email marketing

3. Mailify

The images shows Mailitfy's logo, and under it is writtern "Starting with Mailify/ How to set up Mailify".

The bulk emailing software from Mailify allows you to import as many contacts as you need. You can send emails quickly, and also segment your audience.

With a user-friendly interface, the software has many resources, such as correcting common typos at email addresses and takes care of bounce and complaints automatically.

The drag and drop tool allows you to customize the layouts of your messages, and get a preview of how they will appear. The platform has a high level of deliverability, as well, and gives you reports about the campaigns.

Highlighted features:

  • Quick and easy to set up campaigns
  • Import as many contacts as you need
  • High delivery rates
  • Access to important statistical data

4. GetResponse

GetResponse logo

With a 30 day free trial, GetResponse has several tools to help you get the best of your email marketing strategies. It enables you to create automated email sequences, deliver them with the right timing, share blog posts through email, and easily design the layouts.

You can add gifs and free images to your messages, improving the reader's experience. The platform also gives the option to segment your audience, integrate with your online store, and automatically recommend related products to your customers.

Highlighted features: 

  • Automated email sequences
  • Free professionally-designed templates
  • Perfect timing tool
  • Integrate your online store

5. MailerLite

MailerLite's logo is shown on a screen in the middle of the image, and around it there a many paper airplanes flying.

MailerLite doesn't require that you have design or coding skills to create the perfect email campaign. You will count on newsletter templates, drag and drop editor,  rich text, and custom HTML editor to develop the emails. 

You have the opportunity to personalize your email, segment the contacts, automate the time to send, deliver by time zone, create A/B testing, auto resend, and track your results. You will have access to reports like click maps and opens by location. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Drag and drop newsletter editor
  • Built-in photo editing
  • Email automation
  • Deliver by time zone
  • Auto resend
  • Segmentation

After understanding why email marketing is important, put it into practice

The first step, which is to comprehend why email marketing is important, you have just given. What about starting to apply this to your marketing strategy?

Create a schedule and content plan according to your customers'  profile, test different types of message formats, and try to improve constantly by checking the measures. 

There are many explanations about why email marketing is important, but you are going to realize it even better when you see your sales increasing because of it.  E-mail isn't something from the past, on the contrary, you can explore it in diversified ways.

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