20 Blog Website Templates to Customize as You Wish

You can find thousands of blog website templates available on the internet, but the challenge is choosing the right one for the type of blog you wish to create. The layout needs to be adjusted to the type of posts you will publish and be personalized according to your brand visual identity.
It's essential to choose a template that has a responsive design, which means it will work properly whether on a computer screen or on a mobile device. The good news is that with website builders like Wix, GoDaddy, Site 123, and many others, you can find incredible templates, and you don't need to have coding or design skills to install and customize them.
Best Blog Website Templates
1. Food Blog
In a blog dedicated to talking about culinary and recipes, it's important to make the photos of the dishes stand out. They must be attractive to drive the reader's curiosity to want to prepare the dish and keep reading the content.
This blog website template does exactly that by placing the pictures in the center of the page. The neutral color palette helps to highlight the images as well. Another advantage is how easy it is to navigate through the blog and find other posts.
2. Travel Blog
When the subject is traveling, the images also are a crucial part of the content. As you write about a place you visited, the pictures corroborate to show why it's a place worth visiting. This layout puts the illustration for each article in a large size above the title, as a way to attract visitors to click and read the entire posts.
The header has a search bar, which makes it easier to find a piece of specific information on the blog, improving user experience as a consequence. The social media buttons on the top are a good strategy to drive traffic to them and conquer more followers.
3. News Blog
When you look at this blog website template, it's possible to notice some elements that remind you of newspapers, such as the font type, and the content structure. This detail is interesting because it connects an old way of publishing news and informing the public with a new one.
4. Music Blog
This template is modern and easy to navigate through. The reader can quickly find the main information, and the search bar helps to enhance user experience even more. The menu is placed on the right side of the page.
5. Tech Blog
When you think of a blog about technology, it's common to associate some elements with it like a modern and dynamic layout, And this template offers that. A vibrant color palette and a well-structured way to display the articles on the home page make it appealing to the reader.
On the home page, you can subscribe to the blog newsletter, which is an interesting strategy to strengthen the relationship with the blog readers. The social media buttons placed on the right side of the screen help connect the different types of content you produce and are an invitation for the readers to know them.
6. Fashion Blog
A minimalist and elegant design is a perfect match for a fashion blog, and you can enjoy this in this template. The color palette in black and white highlights the content of the page and the beautiful pictures that illustrate the articles.
7. Beauty and Health Blog
What elements come to mind when you think about beauty and health? It's important to consider that to create a layout that attracts readers and enables them to know right away what is the main subject of your blog. On the first page of this template, you can see items that represent the makeup world in the background, like the makeup brushes.
The color palette that uses some details in pink is harmonious with the layout style. In the header, links are redirecting to the website sections which facilitates navigating through the blog.
8. Business Blog
The target audience of a business blog is probably formed by executives, entrepreneurs, and CEOs, and it should follow the aesthetic related to this world. A too colorful and fun layout wouldn't be the best choice. A classic style with a minimalist design and a neutral color palette brings aspects that refer to the executive world, just as in this template.
9. History Blog
When we talk about blog website templates, the theme of the blog is the main influence when choosing a layout. In this History blog template, the emphasis is on the images of historical places.
The pages are very organized so you can easily navigate through the articles, and enjoy the content provided. The font type chosen for the titles has a vintage aesthetic matching the blog theme.
10. Home Decor Blog
The Home Decor template has a minimalist design, the color palette is in black and white, and it doesn't use many graphic elements. This is an interesting aspect because it avoids polluting the layout and helps to drive attention to the articles.
11. Art Blog
This minimalist template has a classic blog layout divided into columns. In the main one, the links to the articles are placed one above the other, and you just need to scroll down to navigate through.
On the right side column, you can get to know more about the author, and find the contact information. This structure makes it easier to find the information the reader needs.
12. Lifestyle Blog
The emphasis in this blog website template is the article headlines to convince the readers to click on them and continue enjoying the content. The pictures are also used as a way to attract attention to the posts. The white background minimizes the distractions.
13. Blog about Books
This template was developed considering the characteristics of a blog about books. It has a classic and elegant design, with a black-and-white color palette. The header is put in black to highlight the menu where the reader can quickly browse through the multiple sections of the website.
14. Personal Blog
Have you ever considered having a personal blog where you can explore your writing skills, talk about subjects you like, or even use it as a space to promote your work projects? This blog website template is perfect for that, its minimalist style allows you to customize it with details that show your personality.
15. Designer Blog
In this blog website template, the photos are the main element in the design. The white background helps to highlight them. The font type is elegant and sophisticated. Instead of adding a summary about each article, they put only the titles, which also corroborates to make the photos stand out.
16. Art Blog
The Art Blog template has a simple design, which doesn't mean it's worse than the other layouts. The clean and minimalist style drives the reader's attention to what really matters, and the structure makes it easy to browse through the articles.
17. Photographer Blog
In this template, the images are placed on the side of the article title and headline. The way the elements are arranged on the page creates a beautiful layout, and also a practical one as the readers are able to quickly browse through the pages.
At the end of the page, there is a subscription form, so people can subscribe to the blog newsletter. That's a great way to keep in touch with your target audience and establish a relationship with them.
18. Blog for a Podcast
You can also create a blog to publish your podcast episodes and post extra content related to them. With a responsive design, WordPress created a template suited for that. It has a minimalist design and an intuitive interface.
19. Wellbeing Blog
This website blog template allies simplicity with minimalistic elegance. The monochromatic theme with a color palette of white and purple makes the layout more modern, including the purple filter in the images.
20. Tech and Computers Blog
If you want to talk about the development of the internet and computers, this blog website template has a nostalgic design. It refers to the DOS interface, which can be used as a strategy to drive your readers' attention to explore the blog.
Choose the Best Blog Website Template for You
Now that you have seen some of the best blog website templates available in multiple website builder platforms, take a closer look at each one to discover the layout that suits you best. Remember to add your brand visual identity to the design.
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