Integration with Pipedrive
To integrate Pipedrive with JivoChat, open the JivoChat web app or the Desktop application, access Manage, then choose Extensions, select Integrations and in the CRM and other systems field, search for Pipedrive.
After that, the connection page will open and you will need to fill in the following fields:
1.API Token. The API token can be found in your Pipedrive account, Side Menu under Settings -> Personal Preferences.
The screen below will appear, select the "API" tab and you will find your personal API Token Code:
2.Integration name. The name that will be displayed in the list of connected integrations. Any name will suffice.
3.Select channels for this integration. Click to open the list of available channels and select the ones to enable this integration.
Hit the Connect button and you are all set.
Done! 😎 After finishing chats in JivoChat app, you will receive data directly in your CRM. After connecting, the integration will appear in the "Connected integrations" list, where you can change its settings and view the event logs.